Their theme is "Serving Him by Loving Them". And
they presented "them" to the Conference attendees. Tupelo
Children's Mansion, a home serving between 50-60 children in need,
brought all of their children to Columbus, Ohio so the people of the
United Pentecostal Church would be able to meet them.
Playing on the theme of freedom, the Home Missions service opened up.
Throughout the service, through DVDs, songs,
melodrama, and of course preaching, freedom
Wayne Huntley spoke to us of the blessings of God.
"God has blessed America", he said, "now it's time for America to bless God."
With that challenge still lingering in the atmosphere, those in attendance and
those watching via the internet, gave financially to the cause of Home Missions.
As more and more gave, men and women began waving "Old Glory" all throughout the
Following this sacrificial offering, Jerry Dillon from Mississippi preached to us "The Passion that
Brings a Pentecost." The Lord through his message called us all to the
same passion that led Jesus up a mountain called Calvary and that gave our
ancestors to resolve to serve God when Pentecostalism wasn't popular.
At the close of his message, Brother Dillon appealed for men to go to
underchurched and unchurched cities to plant new churches. The altars were
filled with men and women praying and seeking God for His will and direction in
their lives.
Something was planted in the hearts of men and women
during this service. They will do more than just think. More
than just pray. Because of this service, they will go.
photo galleries for this service