


* Registration is required for ages 18 & up

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers:

  1. Why are you charging a registration fee to attend General Conference?
  2. How do I pre-register?
  3. Do I have to register my children under the age of 18?
  4. What is the cost and deadline for online pre-registration?
  5. If I pre-register, when and how will I receive my registration packet? How do I register for General Conference after the deadline has passed?
  6. What are the locations for onsite registration in Tampa?
  7. I am a licensed UPCI minister qualified to vote at the general conference. Do I have to register in order to vote in the business session?
  8. Is my registration fee refundable?

Q. Why are you charging a registration fee to attend General Conference?
A. In the February 2007 General Board meetings at World Evangelism Center, an important presentation was made to the entire board by the General Conference Evaluation Committee, a group of District Superintendents whose goal was to assess the current financial and logistical state of our annual General Conferences. Among their findings was 1) a profound concern about the continued escalating costs of hosting our annual General Conference, 2) the resulting deficit that these escalating costs have produced, and 3) a concern many convention bureaus have expressed - the security concern a large, multi-day optional-registration event like ours represents.

To alleviate and address these concerns, it was the recommendation of the General Conference Evaluation Committee, and the unanimous subsequent adoption by the General Board of Presbyters, to make General Conference registration required for all adults (18 years and older), beginning at General Conference this coming September 26-30, 2007 in Tampa, Florida.

Q. How do I pre-register?
A. Pre-registration is available online. You may register online by charging to a major credit card. To pre-register, go to www.upcigeneralconference.com.

If you do not have access to a computer:
You may call 314.837.7304, Ext. 275 on Mondays only from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM, CDT, to speak to a person who will assist you in completing the pre-registration process.

Q. Do I have to register my children under the age of 18?
A. No. General Conference Registration is required for all individuals 18 years and older. Individuals under 18 years old will be admitted at no charge. A pass will be available at the Registration Counter or at the entrance to the Arena for children under age 18.

Q. What is the cost and deadline for online pre-registration?
A. The General Conference Pre-Registration fee is $25.00 PER PERSON (18 years and older) and the cutoff date is 8/24/07.

After the cutoff date of 8/24 for the $25 fee, registration will continue online for a fee of $35 until 9/17/07.

Q. If I pre-register, when and how will I receive my registration packet? How do I register for General Conference after the deadline has passed?
A. Anyone not registered by 9/17/07 - this is a change from 8/24 - must register on-site in Tampa for a fee of $35.00 per person. Registration areas and appropriate signage will be on-site in Tampa, indicating to attendees where to go to complete the quick on-site registration process.

Q. What are the locations for onsite registration in Tampa?
A. The Registration Counter will be located in the Tampa Convention Center.

Q. I am a licensed UPCI minister qualified to vote at the general conference. Do I have to register in order to vote in the business session?
A. A licensed and qualified minister will be given a special pass that grants them access to the business session. They would need to register to be able to attend future services.

Q. Is my registration fee refundable?
A. The registration fee is considered non-refundable. However, should an emergency arise before the registration cut off date of August 24th, we will be happy to refund your registration fee, less a ten dollar administrative fee, provided your written request is postmarked by August 24th. No refunds will be issued after the cut off date.

Send any written refund requests to the attention of:

Angie Pulliam
United Pentecostal Church International
8855 Dunn Road
Hazelwood MO 63042

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